Parents might not report their missing child for a myriad of reasons: because they are the perpetrator in a crime against the child, immigration concerns and more.
Missing since May 2019, investigators fear that answers to their pressing mystery—what happened to Jennifer Dulos?—were lost with the death of their chief suspect, her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos.
On December 28, 1956, the Grimes sisters, 15 and 12, left home to watch heartthrob Elvis Presley in Love Me Tender in Chicago. Six decades later, their inexplicable murder remains unsolved.
For seven years, 20-year-old Colleen Stan was held captive and locked in a small, coffin-like box under Cameron and Janice Hooker's bed. What came next was a misery of unspeakable depth and duration.
On Halloween 1974, a Texas man poisoned his young son with cyanide-laced candy in an attempt to collect the insurance money. He became known as 'The Candy Man.'
It's an exceedingly rare group of people who escape the clutches of a serial killer—only to find their lives forever changed by the ordeal. Read what happened afterward to five survivors.
Angeline Hartmann of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and A&E's "Live Rescue" on the role the internet plays in facilitating child abduction.
For fans of the 23-year-old pop star, her murder was a shocking tragedy. But for those close to Selena, it was an event foreshadowed by multiple warning signs of her fan club president's nefarious intentions.
Eddie Seda, Matthew Milat and Michael Madison are just a handful of killers who claim to have been inspired by other killers.
A popular theory claims three childhood behaviors—animal cruelty, fire setting and persistent bedwetting—can indicate a serial killer in the making.