Quacks and Quips

We sent the Robertson family some questionnaires to fill out about ducks, those famous beards and family dynamics in the clan and boy, did we learn a thing or two! First off, just to be clear, ducks are never "caught," they are "hunted." And Kay hardly ever makes anything that isn't tasty. We also learned that one of the family members recorded a rap song, another one spent a month in the Ukraine and another once found a spider in his beard. Learn more about the Robertsons through their responses below.


What's the strangest thing you've found in your beard?

"It's not what I find in my beard, but the smells that make it entertaining."

What's something that would surprise viewers to know about you?

Korie and I live in Italy for 4 months, I recorded a rap song, and I was the intramural Badminton Champion in college.

In the Duck Dynasty movie, who would play you?

Zach Galifianakis. I had a girl at the Houston airport come up to me and say "I know who you are..."


What's something that would surprise viewers to know about you?

I spent a month in the Ukraine helping with humanitarian and spiritual needs.

What's the strangest thing you've found in your beard?

Duck louse. Mean critter.

What is your favorite spot to vacation?

Any redneck beach.

What's something that would surprise viewers to know about you?

"I am the easiest man I know to get along with."

Which family member would most likely be elected President of the United States? Why?

Tommy. He has big, white teeth.

What would it take for you to shave your beard off?

If someone gives me a lot of money.


Which family member would most likely be elected President?

"People listen to Phil. He quotes all the early presidents."

What's your favorite way to prepare duck?

Grilled with jalapeno peppers and cream cheese in the center.

What's your favorite family tradition?

Every Wednesday night I pick up my grandkids to take to church. We do something fun beforehand - going to the library, eating out, the park, etc.


What food would you never try (or try again)?

"I'll eat squirrel anytime. But I'll leave the brains to Kay."

What's the best part of working with your kin? The worst part?

The Robertson family laughs a lot so we always have fun. Willie and I don't always agree, but we share a bed so we can't stay mad forever!

In the Duck Dynasty movie, who would play you?

Angelina Jolie. She...has a big, multi-cultural family. We adopted one of our children as a baby and have a foster daughter from Taiwan.


If you weren't in Louisiana, where would you want to live?

"I plan on going straight to heaven from Louisiana."

Which family member would most likely be elected President of the United States? Why?

Willie. No one like center stage as much as he does! And boy, can he blow some smoke!

In the Duck Dynasty movie, who would play you?

Gwyneth Paltrow – and she would have to sing!


How big is the biggest duck you ever caught?

"You don't catch ducks. You shoot them in the head with a gun."

What would it take for you to shave your beard off? What does your beard mean/say about you?

Lice would probably do me in with my beard. It makes my wife feel safe when we are out, so she says.

What's the strangest thing you've found in your beard?

A spider.


Which family member do you get along best with?

"I get along with everyone. I don't like confrontation!"

What is the best thing Miss Kay has ever made?

Hands down APPLE FRIED PIES!!!! She has never made anything that I didn't like.

Which family member would most likely be elected President of the United States? Why?

Probably Wille. He's an in-charge kind of guy.