Season 14 (6)

16 Seasons | 165 Episodes, 15 Unlocked

Episode 6 Marjorie
S 14 E 6


Aired on Jul 03, 2023

Marjorie has collected items from thrift stores and estate sales over the years for various project which has led to a massive amount of clutter in her home making living in the space very difficult. Marjorie’s husband Irv has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and has already taken two dangerous falls in the house where the EMTs could not get to him. Irv had to crawl with broken bones to the porch for help and if this happens again, the State could put Irv in a home for the elderly. Now with the help of the Hoarders team of experts, either Marjorie will clean up the property, or she will potentially lose her husband.

Episode 5 Rosela
S 14 E 5


Aired on Jun 26, 2023

“Roz” grew up on the east coast of Canada with 13 siblings. The first time she ever had a toy of her own was after a life-threatening hospital stay when she was 9. Nothing went to waste. She grew up to be a public health nurse with a private hoarding disorder. But when her first marriage fell apart and she took up with another hoarder, her house became unmanageable. Now with the help of the Hoarders team, she intends to unclutter her life and get her hoarding disorder under control.

Episode 4 Jim
S 14 E 4


Aired on Jun 19, 2023

Jim has been a collector from a very young age but some of the tragedies in his life have compounded Jim’s hoarding behavior. In 2019, Jim’s daughter, Elesha, lost her job and needed a place to stay so she moved. Moving in with Jim however, dealing with the hoard has been the most difficult part of her life. Code enforcement has already performed a severe forced cleanup on Jim’s house in 2016 which only made matters worse. Now with the help of the Hoarders team of experts, either Jim will clean up the property or code enforcement will take another forced cleanup, and Jim could lose everything.

Episode 3 Darlene
S 14 E 3


Aired on Jun 12, 2023

Darlene is a dynamic, outspoken, eclectic woman from Vancouver, BC. She believes in New Age energy healing, the fifth dimension, and describes her packed home as a “mystical mess.” Darlene has so much stuff that she’s hoarded herself outside, leaving her to sleep under a tarp on her porch. With winter coming, Darlene’s exposed porch bedroom is about to get a lot colder–so something’s got to change. Along with the team of experts, Darlene is going to try to regain control of her life and create positive energy in her home.

Episode 2 Andy
S 14 E 2


Aired on Jun 05, 2023

Andy has worked odd jobs his entire adult life, and he considers himself an entrepreneur specializing in the reselling of scrap and junk. After Andy’s father passed away in 2001, Andy’s mother, Louise, asked Andy to come live with her. Reselling scrap junk became very hard as the market for scrap metal pays much less and so Andy had talked his mother into getting a reverse mortgage on the property which has led to debt due to interest and fees. If the mortgage company came for an inspection, they could determine an unresolvable fault in payment and then take the house from Andy and his mother, leaving them homeless. Now with the help of the Hoarders team of experts, Andy will clean up the property or lose everything.

Episode 1 Lia
S 14 E 1


Aired on May 29, 2023

When Lia was ten, she became intrigued by her mother’s many collectibles and started going to antique stores and estate sales with her and is where Lia suspects her hoarding compulsion originates. Unfortunately, Lia’s hoarding went into overdrive when her three sons moved out, and Lia’s husband, Ken, worked full time. After a severe blood infection and struggling with the emergency ambulance response, Lia realizes the extreme danger her home presents to her. Now with the help of the Hoarders team of experts, either Lia will clean up her home and have a safe place to live or risk everything.

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