Amanda Marino

Interventionist, BS, CIP, AIS

Amanda Marino is a Certified Intervention Professional (CIP) through the PACERT Board, a long-standing member of the Association of Intervention Specialist (AIS), and a certified Life and Recovery Coach. Amanda holds a bachelor of science in alternative medicine. She is a passionate mental health professional, and serial entrepreneur, located in Palm Beach, Florida. Her passion ignites while assisting those struggling with substance use disorders, low self-esteem, and mental or emotional blocks to success.

Amanda’s mission in life is to guide individuals out of addiction into empowered, meaningful, fulfilling lives. Her past struggles with substance use disorders, body dysmorphia, and childhood trauma made her even more passionate about fulfilling this mission. Having experienced the power of recovery for herself, her passion now is to equip hurting people for long-term healing. Amanda can often be heard saying, “We are looking to create lasting change, not fleeting success followed by more struggle.”

Amanda has spent 22 years in her early life navigating the entertainment industry. This direct exposure to the bright lights and pitfalls that the entertainment business can entail has helped Amanda develop a special ability to assist those who actively work in that field. Amanda’s relatability, compassion, and driven nature makes her particularly effective in guiding high achieving professionals towards making significant life changes and improvements.

Marino has spent over a decade dedicating herself to guiding others towards personal and professional growth in the mental health and substance use disorder field. Outside of her professional work, Amanda finds her true sense of joy and purpose in being a mother to her two children, jamming out to hip-hop music, and mindfully connecting body, mind, and spirit near the ocean.

“For years, I thought my life was doomed to a miserable existence. I was unhealthy, depressed, and severely addicted to substances and a face-paced lifestyle. When I found recovery in 2007, a new world was unlocked for me… a world full of possibility, dreams, desires, the fruits of a strong work ethic, and adventure. I dreamed about living a life in which I was happy, however, my reality has far surpassed my dreams. That is what I want for the people I get to work with. I can’t wait to see the surprised look on their faces when they find out just how good life can be.”

Amanda Marino has been featured as a professional expert on A&E’s Digital Addiction in 2022 and will be debuting as an Intervention Profession on the 2024 season of Intervention.