Neighborhood Wars
New Episodes Tuesdays 9/8c; Stream Next Day7 Seasons | 122 Episodes
See You in Court
Aired on Dec 20, 2022Breaking the law has is consequences, and in this top ten episode of Neighborhood Wars, these neighbors took their chances.
Fierce Feuds
Aired on Dec 27, 2022Sometimes armed, and always a threat, in this top ten special of Neighborhood Wars, these neighbors came prepared to battle.
Neighborhood Wars: Sweet Revenge
Aired on Jan 24, 2023It’s payback time in a special look back at the top ten most memorable moments of Neighborhood Wars, and these neighbors came to collect.
Showdown in Swim Shorts
Aired on Jan 17, 2023A California woman treats neighbors to “breakfast and a show” after an apparent discrepancy in paying her restaurant bill. Dueling dads come to blows at the neighborhood pool in Houston. And when a Texas gardener traps her hand in a hedge trimmer, she must call on the neighbors to save her fingers.
The Big UN-easy
Aired on Jan 17, 2023A New Orleans man trims branches off his neighbors’ hedge so he can park his car in the street, sparking their fury. Neighbors in California take exception to workers climbing over their fence to fix a blocked sewer pipe. And subway riders in Brooklyn, New York must act quickly when they spot a man lying unconscious across the tracks.
Sparks Fly on the Fourth of July
Aired on Jan 10, 2023A Florida man takes exception to his neighbor setting off July Fourth fireworks. A couple from Boise, Idaho, catch their neighbor throwing cat litter over the fence. And, in Oakland, California, a man armed with a machete takes some late night swings at neighborhood traffic.
Neighbors and Axes and Knives Oh My!
Aired on Jan 10, 2023Neighbors in rural Texas are embroiled in a decades-long feud with daily yelling matches over the fence. A Utah man wildly swings an ax at a group of teens who have gotten on his nerves. And in Florida, an argument over a tree has a neighbor feeling the blunt end of a kitchen knife on the back of the head.
Next Door Satanist
Aired on Jan 03, 2023A Florida neighborhood meeting is disrupted by a protestor praying to Satan. Neighbors take exception to a remote-controlled car with a camera snooping along their sidewalks. And a backyard gender-reveal party in Philadelphia is so surprising it has neighbors running for their lives.
Misadventures in Babysitting
Aired on Jan 03, 2023The constant beeping of a painter’s lift drives a Colorado neighbor to distraction, as he threatens to sever the hydraulic cables with bolt cutter. In Georgia, a neighbor calls the police on a Black babysitter, riding with two white kids in his car, claiming: “I just had a funny feeling”. And a neighborhood brawl breaks out on a California beach after a group of women accuse a man of recording them with his phone.
Nothing Good Ever Happens After 2am
Aired on Dec 13, 2022A late-night reveler shows up unannounced to a house party and gets a rude welcome. In Scottsdale, Arizona, a barefoot woman blocks the car of two men she accuses of trespassing in the neighborhood. And, when a Kentucky couple’s gay pride flag is deliberately set on fight, the neighbors rally around to show their support.
Stay the Hell Off My Property
Aired on Dec 13, 2022An Idaho family’s next-door neighbor goes to battle with them over the height of their lawn. In Florida, authorities carrying out a home eviction realize they are at the wrong address. And a Kansas neighborhood park is terrorized by two loose dogs.
Do You Want Her Arrested?
A pedestrian in Chicago loses her cool when one of her neighbors bicycles on the sidewalk. In South Carolina, a man challenges a neighbor for using a handicapped parking spot when she doesn’t look handicapped. And an Atlantic City neighbor breaks up a fight between two teenage boys with a lesson in respect.
Can't Contain Your Neighbors
A newly-married couple face a hostile neighborhood when building a tiny home in Missouri out of shipping containers. Brawling neighbors in a New York bodega leaves one with a broken jaw. And in Alabama, a man claims the neighbors stole his dog.
Two Full Moons
Aired on Nov 29, 2022On a full moon in Illinois, a stranger sets up an erotic photoshoot on a neighbor’s porch. Two Florida landscapers are shocked when a woman begins hurling insults. And in Baltimore, a tenant becomes incensed by his landlord’s unannounced visits and so decides to lock her out.
The Best Revenge
Aired on Nov 22, 2022A woman discovers a neighbor is throwing dog poop on her driveway and plots a cunning revenge. A Delaware organic gardener sets up cameras to catch who is destroying his crops. And an artist in Missouri comes to the defense of two young girls in their neighborhood park.
Not in My Backyard
Aired on Nov 22, 2022In Florida, a neighbor and a teenager go head-to-head over a near miss with a hoverboard. A dispute over a political candidate’s campaign sign pits New Jersey neighbors against each other. And when a neighbor vandalizes a street corner fruit stand in Los Angeles, it sparks a neighborhood rift with a surprising outcome.
Sunset Flip Out
Aired on Nov 15, 2022An Arkansas woman is creeped out when her neighbor installs a gate in his fence that opens directly onto her backyard. In California, a poolside confrontation between neighbors takes an unexpected twist. And, a teacher’s loud and elaborate efforts to engage his online students risks angering the neighbors.
Lobster Roll Wrecker
Aired on Nov 15, 2022A neighbor’s noise complaint is a terrifying experience for a New York couple. In California, a neighbor sees red when she catches two guys cooking lobster on private property. And in New Jersey, a woman is shocked when neighbors drag up secrets from her past and use them to taunt her and her family.