10 Questions With Bob Wahlberg

Get to Know Bob
There's a whole lot of Wahlbergs out there! Take a moment to learn more about Wahlberg sibling number seven with this exclusive interview with Bob Wahlberg.
What do you do for a living?
I work for the local utility company. I am always on the road, meeting new people. I enjoy the opportunity to help them.
If you didn’t have the job you have now, what else would you be doing?
I would focus full time on producing and acting... and playing golf!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy taking walks with my wife, Gina, watching Oscar play baseball, and spotting my daughter, Charlie, while she practices her cheerleading stunts! I also enjoy kayaking on the Neponset River and riding my bike.
What would surprise people the most to learn about you?
Well, I'm pretty much an open book. What you see is what you get. Although, my wife says that my temper would surprise some people. Not family and old friends, but new ones would definitely be surprised!
Who or what inspires you?
I am consistently inspired by my children, by their courage, confidence and kindness. Each day they teach me something new.
What did you think when you learned that Jim was planning to run in the Boston Marathon? Would you ever consider running a marathon?
My first thought was that I was glad someone in my family was running. After what happened last year, I thought it was important for one of us to do it. I am very proud of Jim. I would consider running a marathon, although the level of commitment and amount of time needed to train scares me.
How do you like to celebrate the Fourth of July?
I usually watch fireworks with family and friends on the Fourth. This year I will be celebrating with my wife and children and my cousin Danny and his family in South Carolina. I am really looking forward to it.
What's your best Alma story?
There are way too many Alma stories to pick just one! What I will say about her is that she makes everybody she meets feel special, like they have been friends forever.
If you had a Wahlburger named after you, what would you want it to be called? What would be on it?
It would be a double turkey, cheese burger with cheddar cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, ketchup and mayo. It would be called, Bob's Where's the Beef? Burger.
What's your favorite childhood memory?
I loved when my Dad would make us tea and toast. He would toast loaf after loaf and serve the toast with peanut butter, pb&j, just jelly, melted butter or cinnamon. It was so warm and comforting. Especially on a cold winter morning.
Want to learn even more about Bob? Watch this special profile video, and check out his official bio page!