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Discussion Guide
View this discussion guide to further explore and discuss the themes in Deaf Out Loud.
American Sign Language Resources
American Sign Language is used predominantly in the United States and in many parts of Canada. If you'd like to learn more, you can watch this video. The video will teach you basic signs.
There are also additional resources to learn ASL, fitted for a variety of audiences:
Marlee Signs: An iOS based App for learning the basics of ASL taught by Deaf actress, Marlee Matlin.
ASL Nook: A online hub of videos of a Deaf family teaching ASL based around topics such as daily routines, sports, and feelings to name a few.
Life Print: A resource site for ASL students and teachers to learn as well as improve your signing.
The ASL App: It is all about teaching you conversational ASL. Packed with 1500+ signs and phrases, easy navigation and features, and with different signers.