Tag: law enforcement

Behind the Scenes of a Real-Life Special Victims Unit
The Crime Solving Detectives of America's National Parks
How '60 Days In' Has Changed How Some Jails Are Operating
Sheriff Mark Pettway of Jefferson County on Building Trust Between Law Enforcement and His Community
Michelle Sigona and Sheriff Mark Lamb of 'Live PD: Wanted' on What They Find Gratifying About Working on the Show
Inspector Craig Sroka of 'Live PD': 'I'm Thankful for a Lot of Simple Things That a Lot of People Take for Granted'
Sheriff Jonathon Horton: From the Military to the Mortuary to '60 Days In'
Officer Darrell Ross on His Path to the Tulsa Police Department  
Meet the DEA Special Agents Who Helped Bring Down Pablo Escobar
Cpl. Mark Laureano of 'Live PD' on His Military Background and What Keeps Him Going Every Day

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