Stadium Lockup

New Episodes Wednesdays 9/8c; Stream Next Day

"Stadium Lockup" follows security at the Cleveland Browns' stadium in Ohio.

About the Show

“Stadium Lockup” follows the security team at the Cleveland Browns’ Stadium in Ohio. Game day can be an electric, cathartic, emotional experience shared by over 67,000 die-hard fans who come together inside this city within a city. With so much excitement comes plenty of action and the security team must stay on high alert as rule breaking and bad behavior won’t be tolerated.

Protecting the thousands of fans visiting the stadium on game days is a highly trained force of nearly 1,000 brave and dedicated men and women from law enforcement, multiple private security agencies as well as medics with a nearby hospital. All fans purchasing a ticket agree to abide by the Stadium’s strict code of conduct and agree to being recorded, but often—with tensions running high on and off the field—the security team is faced with a multitude of issues.

“Stadium Lockup” provides unprecedented access to the stadium’s command center where approximately 500 CCTV cameras are monitored in real time by the staff. Whether it’s unruly disputes, disorderly conduct, life-saving efforts, or heartfelt reunions with lost children, viewers get a behind the scenes look as officers and medics are dispatched on hundreds of calls.

Each game day is unpredictable and—although law enforcement and security try to de-escalate every situation—there are 4 holding cells on the property. If fans break the strict code of conduct, they risk being ejected or worse… get a one-way ticket to stadium lockup.

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