New Episodes Sundays 8/7c; Stream Next DayStepping into the Spotlight
Premieres on Mar 23, 2025Several of the Future Greats prepare for a milestone event: their first ever match in front of a live audience! Who will shine under the bright lights? And who will crumble under the pressure?
Speak Your Truth
Premieres on Mar 16, 2025LFG gets a visit from controversial and charismatic WWE superstar CM Punk. “The Best In The World” joins the Legends to try to push the Future Greats on the mic and in the ring, as tensions continue to rise.
Faction Frenzy
Aired on Mar 09, 2025Former WCW President Eric Bischoff created the N.W.O., breaking new ground for sports entertainment. Bischoff and WWE Hall of Famer Sean Waltman challenge each LFG team to create a new faction to expand their individual and collective personas.
Verbal Takedown
Aired on Mar 02, 2025The Legends get a double-dose of help from former colleagues and champions Brian “Road Dogg” James and Michelle McCool. One Future Great adds a finishing move to her developing repertoire, another finds out that sometimes a match can be unforgiving, and four new superstars fight for one LFG roster spot.
Legendary Teams
Aired on Feb 23, 2025The top four superstars compete in a mixed tag match before a sold out LFG arena. The remaining members of the roster find out which WWE Legend will be leading them on their respective journey, and get some pointers in the ring before putting the advice to practice in a match with their peers and coaches as spectators.
This is WWE LFG
Aired on Feb 16, 2025The Future Greats meet their legendary mentors, and show their skills on the mic and in the ring. Four select superstars have a match to control their destiny, while one WWE-hopeful’s attitude could kill his chances at LFG glory.