Season 1Zac is currently pursuing a career as a law enforcement officer. He’s willing to leave his wife and newborn son for two months in exchange for a unique education in criminal psychology and the jail system, hopefully preparing him for a career as a cop.
Zac is going into this program with a strong belief that it’s wrong that our inmates have better, more comfortable living conditions than our active military. He feels that inmates would greatly benefit from a boot camp type environment.
Zac is the son of a minister, raised in a conservative community in Tennessee. In 2009, he became a Combat Engineer in the US Marine Corps Reserve, one of the most dangerous positions in the military. Zac wants to see firsthand whether his assumption that inmates don’t know how good they really have it is true and to potentially connect with other veterans who are locked up.
The Sheriff wants Zac to participate in this program because he believes Zac’s drive to be in law enforcement and military background will push him to uncover the illegal activity of inmates in the pods.